
Netflix Movie: The Hunt

Entered the Top 10 Netflix Films: The Hunt. The film was released in 2020, but has only now been made available on the platform.


In October (2022), it entered Netflix's Top 10 Films: The Hunt. This film was released in 2020, however, it has only now been made available on the platform to subscribers. And for all cinephiles present here, below is a summary of the most important topics.

SYNOPSIS: In this horror satire, wealthy elites make sport of hunting down ordinary, innocent citizens. But a woman will change the game.

I'm already saying here that the more I watched the film, the less the synopsis made sense to me. But let's move on.

Image taken from a scene from the film The Hunt.

Image taken from Google itself

Plot: The story told in the film

Like every film we are going to watch, there are some that anticipate what the film might be like, for example: comics, books, trailer and synopsis. When I read the synopsis, I already imagined it would be something very dystopian like The Hunger Games, Round 6 or The Purge. 

I imagined that the story would take place in a post-apocalyptic scenario, or in a dystopian reality created to support the film. But, to my surprise, that's not what happened.

The hunt portrays, and criticizes, current times. It is a very strong criticism of the current society that spends its days saying whatever it wants, no matter who it hurts, on social media.

The rich elite mentioned in the synopsis is indeed a rich and somewhat controversial elite in the way they speak and act, but, contrary to what is implied in the synopsis, they are not in the habit of hunting ordinary and innocent citizens for sport. This happens, in the film, as a reaction to what these citizens did. A kind of revenge. 

Citizens, including, that their innocence can very well be questioned. Not that it justifies it, but you also can't say that they were saints. Everyone was wrong!

In other words, the film's story has a very different side to what you are led to think by the synopsis, which makes you find everything very contradictory and shocking at the same time as the story unfolds. Just like every good thriller should be.

Plot: How the scenes play out

The first introductory scenes of the film are quite faithful to what the synopsis says, which suggests that it will be a film exactly as you expected. This was really good because it left me unprepared for the surprises that would come.

At first they are shown as eccentric rich elites who were going to play a very bizarre game with the lives of others.

As the scenes unfolded, what caught my attention was the focus they gave to each character, making you, unconsciously, believe that that character would stand out in the film, until: bang! she leaves the scene. It reminded me a lot of Game of Thrones, you couldn't get attached to the characters. Everyone died.

Another thing that caught my attention about the plot was that it makes you question the role of all the people who appear in the story. You just don't feel confident saying who that character is, who she's on, what she's going to do. This greatly increases the suspense.

Photography: Images captured in photo or video

Like many dystopian films that have this macabre feel, we won't find many fancy special effects or anything like that. What we will always see is the veracity or even exaggeration in the murder scenes.

The hunt It has a Round 6 feel, things happen with a lot of intensity and are really exposed. Some deaths are quite exaggerated and some quite unexpected.

Ending: final scenes and moral of the story

Contrary to what I've seen a lot recently, the ending of this film was quite interesting and unexpected for me. 

Firstly because it tells the real story of what happened in the period before that experienced in the film. This brings a lot of clarity to what led them there and makes you question the synopsis even more.

Second, the final scenes have twists and turns, which make you change sides a few times during the final battle.

And finally, The hunt brings a message that the mistakes they make with us can be the same ones we make with other people. In the film, the error is the judgment without evidence or information. 

It is also worth mentioning that this film suffered a lot of criticism from the then US president, Donald Trump.

As I said, I found it a very interesting film due to the criticism of what has been happening every day on the internet around the world.

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