
Conquer Postgraduate: Is it a good one?

For those who want to know if the conquer postgraduate course is a good one, we have included some important information here that can help you.


Many people ask whether Conquer's postgraduate course is a good one and we will try to answer that question. This question is asked a lot because the postgraduate course offered by Escola Conquer is new. The postgraduate courses were now launched in 2022 and are still in the adjustment phase.

Escola Conquer launched its postgraduate program under the banner of its postgraduate model being a “Traditional Postgraduate”. The company's idea and purpose is to create a teaching model that deviates from the traditional teaching of universities in Brazil.

According to the school itself, the project is to provide completely hands-on teaching that deviates from traditional standards, that does not require compliance with ABNT rules and that students learn here that it will be necessary to perform their profession in the job market.

Image taken from Google

How the Postgraduate course works

The postgraduate degree is duly recognized by the MEC. When you complete all stages of the journey, you receive a diploma issued by ESIC – Business & Marketing School, which is recognized by the MEC.

The postgraduate course is 100% online and structured around the student's journey, a journey that is divided into three phases: fixed schedule, flexible schedule and hands-on TCC. It is required that all stages of the journey be completed for the student's training.

The fixed schedule is made up of live weekly classes, transmitted via Zoom, with Conquer subject teachers along with another guest teacher who, generally, is a specialist in the subject who performs work in the market and brings real day-to-day experience. a-day.

The flexible schedule is a teaching path created by the student according to their needs. At this stage, you can choose the courses that you think will add the most to your career.

At the end of the steps, it's time to do the TCC hands-on. This can be done in two ways and it is up to the student to choose how to do it. In the case of hands-on post-work, you can create a project from absolute scratch or you can do a case study of a company provided by Conquer. It's your choice!

Postgraduate duration

One of the biggest concerns for those who are going to do a postgraduate course, especially if it is online, is the time it will take to graduate. This can be an advantage of Conquer, if you want to complete the course quickly, it becomes a great option.

The fixed schedule lasts for 4 months of weekly classes and, during this time, you can take the flexible schedule you choose. As the flexible schedule is made up of recorded classes, you can take all the necessary credits within these 4 months.

After completing the fixed schedule and the flexible schedule, passing all of them, you will be able to choose your TCC and start it under the guidance of one of the available teachers.

For the TCC, the available period is approximately 2 months for completion, as there are the stages of writing, teacher review, student change, and this all takes time.

Therefore, taking all the steps together, it is possible to complete the Conquer Postgraduate course in at least six months.

Other information about Conquer Powder

1. Escola Conquer has five postgraduate courses that you can choose from:

• Postgraduate degree in Leadership and Management in Technology

• Postgraduate degree in Strategic Business Management

• Postgraduate degree in Project Management

• Postgraduate degree in Leadership and People Management

• Postgraduate degree in Digital Marketing

• Postgraduate degree in Business Intelligence & Analytics

2. To study a Conquer postgraduate course, you need to have an undergraduate degree recognized by the MEC. You don't need to have completed an undergraduate degree in the same area as your postgraduate degree, but you do need to have a degree.

3. The documents required for registration are ID, CPF and proof of residence. In addition to these, you will need to present your higher education diploma or, if you do not yet have the diploma, a degree certificate.

Final considerations

As it is a post that is just starting, many adjustments still need to be made. However, Conquer comes as another institution option for professional qualification.

If in the traditional academic environment Conquer does not yet have credentials, in the business world it is well regarded. Which is important for anyone who wants to try a career in a company.

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