
Wedding souvenirs

Are you looking for wedding favor options? Here we will show you some sustainable, easy and cheap options!


Everyone wants to leave with some wedding souvenirs, right? In Brazil, the idea of always spoiling guests with a souvenir has become popular, marking such a special day. And there’s nothing better than souvenirs that are sustainable and cheap, right?

So, among the many costs involved in a wedding, souvenirs are one of them and the budget can often be limited when it comes to this item. How to do it in a way that is cheaper and doesn't weigh on your pocket? Here are tips for sustainable and cheap wedding favors!

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Bet on plants!

You know that thing everyone loves? Yes, even those who have no experience will want to venture into having their own plant! Succulents, seedlings of various plants (including spices and flowers), are cheap options that can be customized by yourself at home. The succulents can be decorated with 180g paper, fabrics such as jute, cotton, to make a beautiful gift. In addition to giving something beautiful that you made with great care, the planet thanks you!

So, a great tip is to buy trays of succulents in bulk (they are cheaper) and take them home and personalize them! It can be done 15 days before the wedding. The remaining plants can be purchased 5 days in advance. Don't forget to buy something that is durable and easy to care for. These are cheap wedding favor options that don't harm the environment!

Glass bottles with your favorite seasoning

A great souvenir option that will be useful and sustainable is to gift your guest with their favorite seasoning. Seasoning goes with a new house, food with affection, and taking this home is really special, isn't it?

For example, you can buy seasonings in bulk at health food stores. It's much cheaper and you can personalize the packaging with a sticker, bow, all in your own wedding palette.

Room diffuser

Who doesn't love a fragrant home? Or even enter a very smelly bathroom or room? The room diffuser is such a success as it is an extremely useful gift that can be reused later and refilled!

Especially in essence stores you can buy bottles, sticks and concentrated essence, or essential oil. Then just decorate it however you want!

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Scented candle

Another one from the perfumed house series is great! And here there are even more functions for this treat: Candles also decorate the environment, making a romantic dinner more charming or even keeping insects away. And of course, they make the environment even more fragrant!

Therefore, it is possible to do this by purchasing paraffin, wick, concentrated essential oil and following the most diverse tutorials available on YouTube. Super simple and practical to make, and it can be done with the peace of mind of being in advance of the wedding.

Useful gift

Whatever your souvenir choice, remember that giving an item that will be useful will be much more memorable than something that can be thrown away. Mark your guests with charm and creativity, they won't forget your wedding when they come across the souvenir you gave them on a daily basis. This is the true meaning and objective of giving someone a gift.

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