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See how to study for the Public Exam
See how to study for the public exam here. We have separated some mechanisms that will help you on your journey towards approval.
If you are thinking about the future, read this text until the end and see how to study for the public exam. Many people want to have a job that frees them from financial worries and the instability of the traditional job market in Brazil. And there is nothing better than guaranteeing the long-awaited stability with the Public Tender.
Stability is, without a doubt, one of the biggest attractions that lead people to take public exams. The guarantee of having a job where, as a rule, you cannot be fired attracts a lot of attention. Some say that a government job is a dream job.
Types of Public Tender
There are different types of public competition and they will be directly linked to the Public Institutions for which the vacancies are offered. For example, there are public competitions that offer vacancies in the statutory regime, as happens in the Federal Police. This regime is when you are guaranteed stability and cannot be dismissed, with serious exceptions.
On the other hand, there is another contracting regime in public competitions, which is the CLT, as at Banco do Brasil, for example. That's exactly what you're thinking! It's the same hiring regime as traditional jobs, but dismissal is almost impractical. The majority of employees retire at the Institution.
See how to study for the Public Exam
Like everything we do in life, we need focus and direction. And with the public exam it can't be any different, you need to know where you want to go and chart a path to get there. There are two ways to study for a public exam: studying for a specific competition or studying for a specific area. I will explain better how it works.
You have the option of studying for a specific competition that is in your area of expertise or interests. This way, your study will be directed towards the requirements of the position and the organizing committee. Your focus will be on studying the materials from previous notices, until the current notice comes out, and taking the tests from the boards that organize such a competition.
Another option you have is to study for a specific area of activity. For example, if you dream of being a police officer but still don't know whether to be a Federal Police or a Federal Highway Police, you can study for the police field. This is a way for you to prepare for all possible competitions in that area. And when the notice comes out, you complement it with whatever is necessary.
Learn how to define your study material
One of the biggest difficulties for those who want to take a public exam is knowing how to study and what to study. The choice of material and study planning, when done poorly, are some of the things that cause the most failure in competitions. That's a fact, if you don't know what to study and how to study, it's unlikely you'll pass the test.
Your study material must always be in line with what the notices request for such a competition. There is no point in studying from high school books. Public competition is a totally different evaluation system. Read the notice and look for materials focused on the area of public competition, preferably for your competition. There are specific handouts and preparatory courses that can help you.
Planning how to study for the public exam
One of the most important things that can guarantee your approval is a study plan. Studying without focus and direction can take a lot of time and be of little benefit. Remember that being busy is different from being productive. Create ways to increase your enjoyment of your studies. If you don't know how, I'll leave some tips below:
1 – Define how many hours a day you have to study.
2 – According to the content of the notice, define its advantages and difficulties.
3 – Divide the subjects by day. Alternate between an easy subject and a difficult one.
4 – Separate exercises related to the subjects and do them after studying the theory.
5 – When you cover most of the content, set aside days to take the past exams. Study the material for the questions you got wrong again.
Be persistent
In short, studying for a public exam is something that demands a lot from each person. And the truth is that you might not pass on the first try, but that can't stop you. There is a very famous phrase in the world of public competitions that says “the competition continues until it passes”. If you don't pass, believe me, you are even more prepared for the next attempt. The more you study and persist, the easier it will get.
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